Gift yourself healing and bring JOY back into food by learning how to eat an anti-inflammatory diet that YOU and your GUT microbiome LOVE! ❣️🥰😍♥️
What you get in our mini-course:
- Uncover my secret to reversing my autoimmune disease (alopecia areata) with gut nourishing food. If I can do it, you can too!
- Understand how to build the five MUST HAVE eating habits required to heal yourself:
- How to decipher confusing food labels & spot foods that'll make you sick
- How to build a balanced, nutrient-dense plate of food
- How to create a DOABLE & sustainable weekly meal planning & prep routine
- How to eat to balance your blood sugar to avoid inflammatory spikes and exhausting energy crashes
- How to use beginner-friendly intermittent fasting to ditch inflammation & stubborn belly fat quick
- Uncover exactly which foods to REMOVE from your diet to ditch your inflammation fast
- Uncover which healing super foods to ADD to your diet to nourish and transform your gut microbiome to promote healing
- My go-to, practical coaching hacks to help you navigate social events, hosting, holiday gatherings, and travel with ease & JOY - WITHOUT sacrificing your health!
- Your own downloadable Anti-Inflammatory Eating Guide pdf with everything you need to transform your diet seamlessly including: pantry staples, sweet & savoury snacks, 100+ breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and holiday recipes + healing superfood lists, ingredient swaps, and more!
- A game changing healthy eating meditation & self-empowerment ritual to kick temptation's a$$ with ease & ZERO willpower!
- Lifetime access to the mini course + downloadable slides
Healing yourself starts with the food you eat! Gift yourself your best health in 2025 by creating the anti-inflammatory diet of your DREAMS! 🥳🎉🎀🎁
PS. In Canada? Let me know and I'll send you a custom CAD checkout.